电影 童话2022



  • 片名:童话2022
  • 状态:HD
  • 主演:未知
  • 导演:亚历山大·索科洛夫/
  • 年份:2022
  • 地区:俄罗斯
  • 类型:战争片/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:其它
  • 豆瓣:童话2022
  • 简介:  In Skazka, Alexander Sokurov weaves digital magic to create a phantasmagorical vision of the Afterlife, worthy of Dante. But wait: are we in the limbo of Purgatory, or a paradoxical Paradise reserved for notorious men of world history? Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, Churchill and more: all are present and accounted for. Since they exist only as archival media images, each figure comes in a serial set.  In the blackest of political comedies, these fallen men beg, in turn, to be let through Heaven’s Gate – but the angels who peek through never open wide. Little wonder, as the former leaders wander listlessly, bitching (in a Babel of multiple languages) about each other’s clothes, hair and hygiene.  In what is effectively a work of animation, Sokurov has pulled together many talents into an extraordinary technological feat. It blends pictorial elements from art history to form an endlessly unfolding landscape, replete with fog and ghostly armies of the sacrificed victims of history. Announced as Sokurov’s last film, Skazka is an inspired riff on the high culture of Peter Greenaway mixed with the low culture of mash-up artists Soda_Jerk. Can we now expect some entrepreneur to bring us the interactive Skazka video game?
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首页 电影 战争片 童话2022


 当前资源来源IBTDY-LZ - 无需安装任何插件


  In Skazka, Alexander Sokurov weaves digital magic to create a phantasmagorical vision of the Afterlife, worthy of Dante. But wait: are we in the limbo of Purgatory, or a paradoxical Paradise reserved for notorious men of world history? Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, Churchill and more: all are present and accounted for. Since they exist only as archival media images, each figure comes in a serial set.  In the blackest of political comedies, these fallen men beg, in turn, to be let through Heaven’s Gate – but the angels who peek through never open wide. Little wonder, as the former leaders wander listlessly, bitching (in a Babel of multiple languages) about each other’s clothes, hair and hygiene.  In what is effectively a work of animation, Sokurov has pulled together many talents into an extraordinary technological feat. It blends pictorial elements from art history to form an endlessly unfolding landscape, replete with fog and ghostly armies of the sacrificed victims of history. Announced as Sokurov’s last film, Skazka is an inspired riff on the high culture of Peter Greenaway mixed with the low culture of mash-up artists Soda_Jerk. Can we now expect some entrepreneur to bring us the interactive Skazka video game?


  • HD
  • HD
    Turning Point/
  • HD中字
  • HD中字
    The Wedding Song/
  • HD
    志愿军:第二部/志愿军:雄兵出击2/志愿军:再起风云/志愿军三部曲2/抗美援朝(第二部)/伟大的胜利2/战与祀/The Volunteers: To the War 2/The Volunteers: The Battle of Life and Death/
  • HD国语
    永不消逝的电波(舞台纪录片)/Red Radio Over Shanghai/
  • HD中字
    西尔莎·罗南/埃利奥特·赫弗南/哈里斯·迪金森/本杰明·克莱曼汀/凯西·伯克/保罗·韦勒/斯蒂芬·格拉汉姆/雷·吉尔/Mica Ricketts/C·J·贝克福德/阿历克斯·杰宁斯/约书亚·麦圭尔/海莉·斯奎尔斯/艾琳·凯利曼/萨莉·梅瑟姆/约瑟夫·阿尔京/克里斯托弗·钟/杰拉德·摩纳科/希瑟·克兰妮/桑德拉·休杰特/Isaac Highams/格雷厄姆·福克斯/Jack Shalloo/
  • HD中字
  • HD
    The Letter With Feathers/
  • HD
    The Opium Wars/


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